I suffer from Joint pain all over my body, and so I pay close attention to what causes changes in my body. Diet plays a big part, with certain foods causing inflammation in the body, which can present physically in a number of ways. 

I can definitely feel when I’ve been reckless with my eating. My joints, in particular my hips, feet, and wrists, are much more sore, tender, and stiff. I lose strength in my hands, so evening opening a jar, or using a tin-opener is difficult and painful.

When I’m ‘clean’ eating the mobility in the joints is easier, and pain is much less noticeable, if at all.

So I’ve put together a list of the best foods to naturally reduce inflammation and joint pain all over, hopefully, there’s something to take away that is useful for you.

7 Foods to relieve Joint Pain All over

All kinds of Nuts

An excellent protein source, nuts also contain magnesium, zinc, vitamin-E as well as the immune booster alpha-linolenic acid. They are an easy way to get the protein you need for the health of your digestive tract, and are very filling too.

nuts for reducing joint pain all over anti inflammatory

Garlic & Onions

Garlic and onions are the superheroes of the fruit and veg world and are loaded with immune-boosting properties. It’s thought that those who eat foods in the allium family, like garlic and onions, show fewer signs of osteoarthritis and joint pain.


A great source of fibre and protein, beans are a great way to replace many foods that aggravate joint pain and associated conditions. Beans are rich in folic acid, zinc, iron and potassium— these are known to have excellent immune-boosting properties.

Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruits are rich in life-saving vitamin C, and they are also an ideal substitute for those who love sweets. Sweet, refreshing, and delicious, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes are valuable allies in the fight against joint pain and inflammation. 

foods to relieve joint pain all over

Garden greens, aka Stinging Nettles

Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, nettles are an amazing natural source of relief for joint pain and inflammation.

Drinking nettle tea, taking nettle supplements, or adding nettles into your diet are great ways to get the powerful effects. Recipes containing spinach can easily be substituted with  nettles, or add them into sauces, soups, stews, smoothies, and more.

Besides what you put into your body, you can also relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation by using nettles topically. The Nettle Balm is a soothing blend of nettle-infused oil, beeswax, and essential oils, and works to relieve pain and ease stiffness.

loose nettle leaf tea for joint pain all over

Nettle-infused oil and or balm made with nettle oil are great for gentle massage of affected painful areas. 

Turmeric, dried or fresh root

Turmeric works to reduce joint pain and swelling by blocking inflammatory cytokines and enzymes because it contains a chemical called curcumin.

Add turmeric to smoothies, eggs, or sauces, soups & stews for added flavor and an anti-inflammatory boost.

One of my favourites is turmeric milk. Add a teaspoon of turmeric (or even better, grated fresh turmeric root) to a cupful of almond or oat milk in a saucepan, with a teaspoon of coconut oil. Heat gently on the hob until simmering, pour into a mug and enjoy a warm soothing drink, packed with goodness.

turmeric for joint pain all over

Ginger Root, Fresh or Extract

Ginger extract is the dried or fresh root of the ginger plant. It is said to decrease joint pain and reduces inflammation in people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Ginger has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen. It’s easy to get from most supermarkets, and can be added to soups or sauces, stir fries etc. 

A ginger tea brew is probably the easiest way to take it. Grate fresh ginger into a cup, about a teaspoonful, cover with boiling water and allow to steep for a few minutes, sip and enjoy.

So there they are, the 7 Foods to Relieve Joint Pain all over

I’ve given you quite a number of foods that are useful to relieve joint pain all over. The underlying message is that if you reduce inflammation in your body (by eliminating inflammation-causing foods) your symptoms of arthritis and joint pain all over will be relieved and much easier to manage.

I hope you’ve found this useful and helpful. If you enjoyed it, you may also like

Natural Remedies to relieve Lower Back Pain

How to relieve Inflammation in the Body Fast

x Bronwyn

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