If you’re struggling with psoriasis on your body at all, then you most likely have it on your scalp as well. Here I’ll give you some simple tips for treating scalp psoriasis naturally to help with the symptoms, and keep itch and irritation at bay.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that can develop anywhere on the body. Typically presenting on the scalp, knees, elbows and lower back. It is characterized by red, flaky patches on the skin. There are a number of ways to treat Psoriasis.

Psoriasis actually begins deep inside your body in your immune system before filtering through and affecting your skin.

Psoriasis symptoms are a result of T cells (type of white blood cell) designed to protect the body from disease or infection, mistakenly becoming active, and setting off other immune responses.

Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis can include:

• Red patches covered with silvery-white scales (caused by the shedding of excess dead skin cells)
• Thick crust or scales that can attach to the hair shaft
• Bleeding can occur when patches are removed
• Pain and Itching of the scalp

Scalp Psoriasis is not contagious, and it isn’t a sign of poor hygiene either. Whilst not all sufferers of Scalp Psoriasis complain of an itchy scalp most will have the loose scale in their hair or on their clothing, often causing considerable embarrassment and distress.

Having a clear and healthy scalp – free from unpleasant, thick patches of scale and skin that leave you feeling self-conscious is something many of you, wish for, and understandably so.

There is a definite sense of frustration amongst people who suffer from this condition. It can be expensive trying different products in an effort to manage the symptoms, and when the results fall short of expectations there can be feelings of disappointment and a sense of despair .

It is important also to note that Psoriasis is usually a long-term condition, (which may be genetic), and although there may be periods of remission when you enjoy a scale-free scalp, it can also reappear spontaneously. For this reason, certain lifestyle changes can help to manage the symptoms.

treating Scalp Psoriasis naturally
Treating scalp Psoriasis naturally

Here are my 7 tips to treating scalp psoriasis naturally without even leaving home.

1. Avoid fragrances

Most commercial cosmetics and shampoos contain colourants, synthetic fragrances and other chemicals. These are irritants for the scalp that can cause a flare and aggravate your psoriasis.

Avoid artificially fragranced products wherever you can. Instead, opt for those with natural ingredients and labelled for “sensitive scalp”.

Consider The Wild Nettle Co’s Nettle products, they are perfect for psoriasis sufferers. Nettle Hair oil and Nettle Shampoo Bar. All of these are suitable for babies, children and adults, contain only natural ingredients, including olive oil infused with nettle for its anti inflammatory properties so you’ll be amazed how quickly the Nettle Magic works to soothe itch, redness and inflammation.

2. Eat a healthy varied diet

Diet may play a role in managing psoriasis. Processed food, refined sugar, fatty cuts of meat and dairy all contribute to inflammation in the body. As a result, people often find their symptoms improve by eliminating inflammatory foods.

Load your diet with anti inflammatory foods like

  • Berries – blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries
  • Dark Leafy greens, like spinach, kale and nettles
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, found in oily fish like salmon, sardines & mackerel
  • Foods high in antioxidants like fresh herbs
  • Healthy fats, including avocados, nuts, nut butters and olive oil

Olive oil has soothing benefits when applied topically to the skin. As a result, troublesome plaques can be loosened in the shower by massaging a few tablespoons on your scalp. The Nettle Hair Oil, made with olive oil will soothe itch, loosen plaques and heal skin inflammation.

125 million people are affected by Psoriasis worldwide

3. Reduce stress levels

Any chronic condition like psoriasis can be a source of stress, which in turn can worsen psoriasis symptoms. Stress causes a hormonal reaction whereby the body releases adrenaline and cortisol. Too much of this leads to inflammation which then presents in a number of ways, flare ups being the main one.

Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually helps to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. You’ll feel better for it physically too. Prioritising self care will gives you energy, motivation and prepares you to handle life’s challenges.

Consider including stress-relieving practices such as meditation and yoga, and click here for some simple ideas you realistically have time for!

4. Keep the Area Moisturised

Keep skin cool and moist to reduce the itch. Whilst it may be tempting to hide your scalp under a hat, this may actually exacerbate the condition. Instead, opt for a deep moisturising treatment like the Nettle Hair Oil, apply to the scalp, and leave for at least 30 minutes, but ideally overnight, before shampooing.

5. Avoid Scratching

Itching, scratching, and picking the affected area, whilst difficult to resist, is crucial. Bleeding can occur when patches are removed forcibly, exposing the area to all those nasty germs that often hang around unseen beneath your fingernails.

6. Avoid Heat Styling Your Hair

Using your hairdryer or straightener can dry out your scalp even further – so let your hair dry naturally, or limit your use of heat styling appliances.

7. Nettle Magic

Herbs are commonly used to treat many conditions.

Stinging Nettle has been found to help minimize psoriasis flare-ups due to the strong anti inflammatory properties. It can be taken in pill or supplement form. Herbal nettle tea is easy to prepare, and fresh leaves added into your diet. Powdered nettle can be sprinkled on your food.

The healing anti-inflammatory properties of stinging nettle can also be infused into oil to apply topically to affected areas. The infused oil can be blended into creams and balms for your skin, we have formulated Nettle Hair Oil and Shampoo bars that are both effective for treating scalp psoriasis naturally.

There you have it

I’ve given you a selection of easy ways of treating scalp psoriasis naturally, don’t feel like you need to use every one, but just a few of these small changes can make a difference in your symptoms, and your ability to live more comfortably.

There are a variety of ways to try to keep symptoms of scalp psoriasis at bay, however often what works for one person may not work for another.

Remember that while these home remedies for psoriasis may certainly help to manage symptoms of mild cases. Prescription therapy is sometimes needed for more severe cases. Speak to your health care provider before seeking treatment on your own.

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Keep well

x Bronwyn

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